Thursday, 6 October 2011

Diary Entry: Thursday 6th October

In today's lesson Laura and Katie spent time composing a questionnaire. This will enable us to back up our audience research with more depth and analysis, ultimately helping to gain inspiration and feedback from some of our target audience. Now that our animatic has been completed, Alfie uploaded it to Youtube and we are all very happy with the way it looks as the drawings are understandable and detailed and the shots fit in time with the lyrics and pace of the song. The animatic helps us to gain initial ideas of how our real video should hopefully look. In the lesson I continued to film people explaining what appealed to them about certain existing album covers of the indie genre. This helps to form ideas of what our target audience appreciate in album artwork for when we begin more work on our digipack. Four people have now been recorded for our digipack research and have provided useful and interesting thoughts, I will continue with this research tomorrow.

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