Thursday, 29 September 2011

Diary Entry: Thursday 29th September

Recently we have been focusing our time in lessons to sort of audience research, storyboard planning, props and animatic before we start planning for filming. I have been gathering music video audience research by using the video camera to film our potential target audience. I have asked questions such as ‘which music videos stand out to you?’ and asked questions on narrative. I still have a lot more filming to do to get a good variety of answers that we can use to influence our media video. After I had taken the footage, I handed it over to Katie to create a video using the software ‘Premier’ to edit it with. This is the software we used during our preliminary task, and hopefully it will refresh Katie’s mind and give her a better feel for the software. I am hoping to have the same opportunity to try this soon.
Iona’s strength is art so we have encouraged her to take charge of the storyboard. So far she has done an excellent job of turning our raw ideas into something more lifelike. I can’t wait to see the finished piece.
Alfie has been starting to create the animatic for the video which uses the storyboard pictures, but replaces the written text with typed text and puts it to time with the lyrics of our song.
We are currently all playing up to our strengths so hopefully we will do role reversal and all have a go at things that will challenge us.

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