Thursday, 3 November 2011

Our video and narrative theory

Todorov once claimed that a compelling story should fit this template;

Our video is the correct formula for a Todorov style narrative. We begin with an equilibrium of our three main characters being bored with their lives, this is shown through their pose, and facial expressions. The video then includes a disruption; the characters believe they are late, and then rush off. The chain of events that are caused by this are our characters picking up their clothes on their way to the tea party. Our characters reach their goal, and arrive at the party in time, they then proceed to enjoy the tea party to the full. The video does end ambiguously, without making it clear what kind of equilibrium has been established, but this was a deliberate decision to let the viewer decide the characters fates for themselves, and it was fortunate, but it was also a production decision as well because, the songs rhythm would have made it very difficult to restore a boring theme.

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