Thursday, 10 November 2011

Samuel Bennetts

Samuel Bennetts is an Australian director who attempts to use a range of different techniques and styles to better his work and evolve his own talent. Samuel Bennetts mainly works with the band ‘Bluejuice’; an indie band with their own set style of an abstract almost ludicrous view of reality which Samuel Bennetts has been able to exhibit in all of the projects that they have collaborated on.

The director often stylises his work to the genre he is working with, (even though it is mainly indie) such as in the ‘Fur patrol’ video ‘Get along’. This video was far darker than his usual style, and adapted to fit into the bands genre. This ability to ignore his natural style, and to be so adaptable in an alien directing environment, is why I have chosen to study Samuel Bennetts in further detail. I plan to emulate his techniques and base my all of my ideas on the conventions and templates of our genre.

Samuel Bennetts often uses his style to mix morally questionable situations, and odd, almost surreal happenings to convey exactly what he means, but in an interesting and engaging way. An example of this would be the ‘Bluejuice’ video ‘Act yr age’. The song ‘Act yr age’ is obviously supposed to convey the message that age should not be a limitation on your life, and that you should be able to do what you want no matter what other people say, but Samuel Bennetts chose to show this is an extremely odd way. The video flips the idea that is expected, (and is hinted to at the beginning) on its head by changing it from people thinking the lead singer is immature, to people thinking he should act younger. I also hope to imitate this factor of his directing style: mixing the surreal and, the almost dull by comparison, real life to make our video as interesting to the viewer as possible without sacrificing narrative.

Motifs and metaphors have been a large part of Samuel Bennetts work, such as the constant Pinocchio metaphor in the video ‘Ain’t telling the truth’. We will also be using a similar technique within our video, by having a constant motif of clock, and looking at looks. Our song is largely based around time, as it repeats the lyrics ‘Sun goes down and the double life begins’.

Samuel Bennetts also likes to make a sceptical in his videos. Almost all of Samuel Bennetts videos contain a very memorable scene that people look upon in awe, which has been one of the reasons he has rose to prominence, because these scenes are eye catching and memorable spectacal’s. my group and I fully intend to include a memorable and unexpected yet not unfitting scene in our video, and make it as surreal and expertly done as a Samuel Bennetts spectacle.

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